
Prinhome P461 iOS 手机打印软件

2022-01-09 19:47:48 admin 797
版本 :
AllGlobaliOSPrinbiz (iOS)v2.1.0N/A
AllGlobaliOSPrinhome (iOS)v2.0.3N/A

Read carefully before download:
Please select APP and use the link to it’s download page.

1. The download file- '*.apk' is for installation on Andorid system. Windows-based PC/NB might fail to recognize it and treat it as *.zip or related files if your PC/NB has installed WINZIP, WINRAR or other ZIP related software. Please change its extention name to *.apk after download, so installation can be successfully exectued on Android system. 2. Supports Android v4.0.3 or above only.
Operation Instruction:
1. Download file from mobile phone: Step 1. Save *.apk to your mobile phone. Step 2. Execute *.apk to install Prinbiz APP on your mobile phone.
2. Download file from PC/NB: Step 1. Change extension name to *.apk if the file you downloaded is *.zip or others. Step 2. Save *.apk to your mobile phone. Step 3. Execute *.apk to install Prinbiz APP on your mobile phone.
The update program is mainly provided for product performance enhancement, and it shall not be treated as additional assurance or warranty extension. Whether in any case, because of the use of the update program caused direct damage, indirect damages, or other forms of consequential damages, including, but not limited to, any lost profits business interruption or loss of information, even if HiTi is expressly advised of the possibility of damage occurred, HiTi not and will not to burden any liability to anyone. the same time.

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